Monday, November 29, 2010

My First Thanksgiving

This year was the first time I've ever cooked my own Thanksgiving!
Of course, after high school, there was a Thanksgiving or two that I didn't go home; but I would always just go over to someone else's house and eat all of their food... So this year was a pretty big deal for me.
Since all of my roommates and I are all from the west coast, it just made the most sense for us to all stay in Brooklyn for the holiday. As soon as we realized that we would all be home, we got to planning our menu:

  • Turkey 
  • stuffing
  • mashed potatoes
  • green bean casserole
  • sweet potatoes
  • sweet potato fries
  • cranberry sauce
  • gravy
  • rolls
  • pumpkin curry soup
  • lemon meringue pie
  • peanut butter chocolate pie
  • yam pie
    • And of course... beer, wine, mimosa's ;)
I have a long standing tradition in my family of always doing the mashed potatoes, so I was delighted when my roommates said they'd let me make them for us!

Every year, one of my favorite things to do is get up early, and watch the Macy's parade on TV. Now that I'm living here, I really wanted to take advantage of being able to finally going to watch the parade live in person. I had heard that the night before the parade, you can go walk the parade route and watch them blow up the balloons, so of course I immediately put that on my "must-do" list. 
As it has, many times in the past, NYC likes to put me in my place and laugh at me just a little bit...
I got off my subway stop around 7:15pm, it wasn't until almost 8pm that I finally made it out of the subway station, and onto the street. Apparently I'm not the only one who thought it would be fun to go check out the balloons.

Once I finally got out to the street, and just around the corner of the Museum of Natural History, I finally got my first glance of the balloons!
I finally made my way through the mass of people to 77th street and Central Park West to walk down the route to see the balloons up close and personal!

I started walking down Columbus towards 71st street but there were so many people, it literally took me 40 minutes to walk from 77th to 76th, and across Columbus, so I decided I had seen enough. It would probably be better if I just went home. I was originally planning on going back in the morning to catch the actual parade, but after that fiasco- I decided that maybe the parade was better left a TV tradition. 

As soon as I got home, I started making my pie, and rolls!

After cooking until 3am, it was time for bed. After all, we were planning on getting up at 7:30am to put the turkey in the oven! 
My roommates Lois, Alaina, and I all got up and got to cooking and last minute shopping right away!

Before we knew it, it was noon, and our house was filled with lovely people, and beautiful music!

I have the most talented friends and roommates!
Finally around 4pm we were finished cooking and got to eat our feast!

It was so fun collaborating with all of my roommates each cooking different dishes. 
Emily's pumpkin curry soup with roasted sunflower seeds:
 Allen's green bean casserole: 

We had a few minor setbacks including accidently turning off the oven at one point, burning the sweet potato fries, and blowing up a stick of butter in the microwave... oops. 
Our turkey was honestly one of the most delicious I've ever had- ever!

All in all, it was a really wonderful first Thanksgiving experience. I couldn't have asked for anything better. 

A huge thank you to all of my roommates, and Brian, Chris, Marcus, Cecil, and Cherie- without you guys, this day never would have been the same!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


What a whirlwind the last 2 months have been!
I can’t believe that that’s all it’s been since I’ve moved here! There is always so much to see and do, I feel like it’s already been 6 months!
One of the greatest things I’ve been lucky enough to experience is my fabulous internship! As you may remember, before I even got here, I had high hopes of finding a female photographer to intern/assist with. Mostly because this industry is mainly powered by men, I really wanted to work with another female to see how SHE does it, and to help keep me motivated if ever a man tries to take me down! I definitely set out to  find an internship with a fashion photographer since that is the area I’d like to specialize in, but I also know that I have SO  much to learn, and that working with a pro photographer in any area would really help me. Back at the end of August, I spent hours and hours on Craigslist looking for job and internship opportunities. When I interviewed with Jill Lotenberg of Jill Photography, she explained to me that the majority of her business nowadays is commercial, and head shots. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I knew I needed to start somewhere! This was only the second interview I had been on since having moved to the city, and she pretty much hired me on the spot!

The first shoot I went with her on was to photograph the founder and CEO of Jump Apparel Group, Glenn Schlossberg. Jump is celebrating their 20th anniversary and Jill was hired to photograph him as well as some behind the scenes shots for the front cover of Fashion Manuscript Nove/Dec 2010 issue. It was really exciting for me because the moment we stepped off the elevator and I saw logo on the wall, I knew I’d heard of Jump before! It took me a second, but I definitely wore a Jump dress to a winter formal, or some sort of formal dance when I was in Jr. high or high school. 
Here's the cover!:
Look! That's the inside of the magazine with MY name in print!!!:

A few weeks after I assisted on that shoot, Jill asked me to assist her while she shot THIS!!:

Now, I’m no Top Chef fanatic, but I knew this was pretty cool. I was also really excited because she told me I could invite anyone I wanted. That same week, a friend of mine from high school, Shaun, was in town visiting so I invited him as well as all of my roommates. It was just one of those lucky nights when a bunch of them were all off and three of them were able to come along! It was such a lovely evening, and I must admit, that I think we all had a moment or two that night when we thought to ourselves, “I can’t believe this is my life, I’m so lucky”.

(left to right: Marcus, Lois, Shaun, Alaina, Emily, me)
Shortly after that event, Jill asked me if I would be available to go with her on an overnight trip to Boston for a shoot. When I got her text message, I stopped dead in my tracks and could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. Not to toot my own horn, but I am well aware that this was not something that she was offering to her other interns- it really hit me then, that I might actually be doing a really good job. I had never been to Boston and of course wanted to jump at this opportunity! Not only that, but she also informed me that this would be a paid trip! As if I really needed to be convinced even more!?
I really feel so lucky to have this opportunity and still sometimes can’t believe how this sort of just fell into my lap. As far as how long I’ll be working for Jill, I’m really not sure. I believe I’ll be done in or around January sometime. But I am fairly confident that this internship is only going to lead to bigger and better things. I hope to do a recap in a couple of months when all is said and done.
Below, enjoy some photos of the different locations we’ve been so lucky to shoot in!

Chef Marcus during the cooking demonstration at 5th on the Park:

On location in Queens: 

Last week we went back to 5th on the Park to get some shots of the building. This is the view around 6PM from the 25th floor overlooking Manhattan. Off in the distance, you can see the Empire State building: 

Atop a Brooklyn condo, shot by Jill:

Workin' hard for the boss lady: 

Downtown Brooklyn in the background, me, Allie, Clair (other interns) and Jill, far right: 

Update: My computer is (obviously) back up and running. It was extremely frustrating however to not have my computer for almost 2 weeks. Though I have to give my roommate Alaina a HUG thank you for letting me borrow her computer almost every day while she was at work!! If this has taught me anything it’s, BACK UP!! Sometimes computers just crash, and there are no warning signs. It’s a good thing I love what I do, other wise I don’t know if I’d be able to put up with the amount of money it costs to keep this going. 
I hope you are having a lovely day!
Until next time.....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Death Wish

So my computer has decided it's had about enough of me.
I don't blame it. Sometimes I make it work really hard for me.
Unfortunately, what this has meant for me is that my logic board is a goner.
Thankfully, there is a great certified Apple repair store really close to me! (The Mac Support Store)
I took it in last Friday because Thursday evening, it just stopped turning on. I was really baffled because I had been using it throughout the day with no problems whatsoever.
Well turns out apparently your logic board CAN go out without any warning of any kind :(
I had decided before I even took it in, that if it was going to cost too much, I would just get a new computer. Fortunately, they were able to figure out what was wrong with it and told me it would be ready and good as new in about a week (for the bargain price of more than a month's rent, but still cheaper than a brand new one!)
So here I wait... for my computer to come back to life.
I'm really glad I didn't have to get a new computer for a few reasons (even though a new one would have been fun): #1- and most importantly, I can't afford it. While I'm working on trying to find a paying job, I'm still without one. #2 I don't know what I would have done if I had to buy all new music to replace my lost iTunes library, not to mention I'm sure there are a number of photos I haven't backed up yet; and mostly that I know there is no way in hell that I could afford to repurchase all of my photo software: Photoshop, Lightroom, Bridge, etc.

I am extremely thankful (for this, and many other reasons) for having five roommates right now. They are being quite gracious letting me use their computers while they are at work, or not using them.
It's sad really, how attached I am to my computer. I wish I didn't depend so much on it, but I really do.
So please to not fret everyone, I'm not purposefully leaving you high and dry on the blogging front. As a matter of fact, Thursday morning, I had sat down and started drafting a new blog when I was distracted by more important things, like getting my website (better) up and running!!!
I am extremely proud to announce, that is now officially a website!!!
This is also really exciting news, because I also ordered business cards with that web address AND a new New York phone number! - Don't worry, my cell number has not changed, I just got a google number for business purposes.

On that note, please do check back in a week or two- I promise to update, and with photos very shortly after getting my computer back at the end of the week!!
Much love,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Give it to me straight

Hey all....

I really need some feedback from all of you.
The last week+ I have been debating what to blog about next. I really think that I'm doing my best to post regularly here about what my life is like, and if you're one of my facebook friends I think you get a good gist there as well.
However, I constantly get people asking me to update them about what my life is like and what I'm up to now that Im living in NYC. First of all, generally my first question to them is "do you read my blog?". Secondly, it's not that I don't want to tell you each individually what I'm up to- it's just that writing a blog about it, and blasting it to everyone I know is much quicker for me and it saves me from telling the same story over and over again to people who have already heard it because I can't remember who I've told what.
Other than the fact that I'm living in (in my opinion) the most amazing city in the US- nothing too fabulous and amazing is going on; trust me, I'd share it with you if I thought it were worth sharing.

So here's what I want to know:

  • Give me some specifics! Tell me what it is that you'd like to hear more or less of from me!
  • Do you think I post too many pictures? Not enough?

Just let me know what your thoughts are, and I'll do my best to cater to each request. If you know me at all, you know I don't have any issue sharing :)
Please leave it in a comment bellow.

Thanks guys! Lots of love to you all!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

To drink or not to drink

That is the question...

This has been on my mind quite a lot lately. I’m not going to be drastic and make a claim that I’m going to stop drinking all together. Though I have thought about at least taking a month off. But the thing is, in general, I’m not a heavy drinker. So I don’t feel that by committing to taking just one month off would really do anything for me or teach me anything about whatever it is I’m needing to be taught right now. 

It’s no secret that alcohol is a depressant, and I feel like the last few times I have been drunk, I end up more upset than anything by the end of the night. Often crying. I feel like that has something to do with the fact that alcohol also lowers our inhibitions and while most of the time that’s a bad thing- all it does for me is just bring the truth about everything out. I think the reason why I cry when I’m drunk is because when I do drink, I’m finally letting myself feel whatever it is that I’m actually feeling but otherwise suppress. 

As a few (if not many) may already know- I have a really hard time controlling myself when it comes to drinking and texting, and as of lately, emailing. This is generally followed in the morning with a varying degree of regret. Sure, there are times when it’s just funny; but 99% of the time, I’m wishing I had listened to that little voice in my head telling me that sending that message might not be the best idea.  

I feel like to really make a difference in my life, I would have to completely stop drinking for an entire year- and honestly, that doesn’t even sound possible to me, nor does it really sound like something that I’m all that interested in doing. If I were to do it, it would have to be all or nothing. It wouldn’t be “oh a drink here, a drink there” or “just drinks on special occasions, birthdays, wedding, etc.”.

What’s funny, is I don’t even really like the taste of alcohol. I absolutely hate beer. I’m sorry- I just don’t understand what the big deal is. And frankly, I think people must be lying when they say they actually enjoy it. Yes, it tastes that bad to me. The smell of red wine makes me gag. The only things I actually enjoy (truly enjoy) are some white wines- yet I still have yet to find MY wine that I can order and know I’ll always love it; and the super frilly, girly drinks that usually tend to be blue, and probably have more ice and mixers in them than actual alcohol. 

I have also noticed recently that it doesn’t matter how much I drink, if it’s just one glass of wine or 6 cocktails, I’m hungover the next day. I know a lot of people will have just one drink to take the edge off, but if it’s going to make me feel like crap the next day, what’s the point?

I’m not sure what it is exactly that I’m hoping to really get out of this. I’m kind of just using this as my soap box. I’d really like to hear what other people have to say on this subject. Family and close friends, you need not be worried about me. I am not an alcoholic, or anything even remotely close to it- this has just been something that has been on my mind a lot recently. 

NYC is going good. Not great. But really, “great” never should have been an expectation. I’m realizing now that I probably should have set my bar of “ideal” a little lower, but all in all, things are good. I’ve been wanting to show you all what my new apartment looks like, but I want to wait until my room has some actual furniture (right now all I have is a bed- on the floor and a dresser, and lots of boxes). If you’re really dying to see it- I invite you to come for a visit! ;)
Thank you dearly for taking the time to read this. Especially this post. I think this may be one of the harder posts I’ve ever written. Lots of love to you each!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I live here.

Well I apologize to everyone who has been asking me to write an update sooner. I can’t believe I’ve been here for almost a month! It still seems like I just got here yesterday.
A lot has happened since I arrive, and yet, it feels like nothing has happened all at the same time. The very first night that Emily and I got into town, she started working at a really cool sports bar in downtown Brooklyn (O’Keefe’s). She got very lucky landing this job before she even got into town and has turned out to be even better than she ever expected it to be. That same night, I met for the first time my new roommates, Lois and Rose. Lois and Emily know each other from Arizona where they met working for the same catering company; and Rose is good friends with Lois’s > sister's > roommate.
The following day, Rose took us to view the apartment they had found for us the few days before. It’s in an area of Brooklyn called “Bedford-Stuyvesant” or “Bed-Stuy” (pronounced Bed-Sti) right on the border of Clinton Hill, near Williamsburg.
I was trying my hardest to be as optimistic as possible when getting off the subway to view it- but hard as I tried... I wasn’t sold. Which was especially hard for me as all of my other roommates were absolutely head over heals in love with the place and the neighborhood. When we finally got into the apartment to see where we’d be living, I was having a very hard time visualizing what it would look like. When we first viewed the place, it was two seperate one bedroom apartments that had a door that led to a spiral staircase connecting the two apartments. We were told that our landlord had a wonderful team of contractors that would come in and gut one kitchen and turn the two-one-bedrooms into a five bedroom duplex for us.
Now, I know I’ve never lived in NYC before, nor have I ever had the chance to visit someone who lives here to see their apartment; but on only about 5-6 hours of sleep- I was struggling to see what all my other roommates saw in this place. It’s really not the best feeling in the world to be signed up to live with five other people, and you’re the only one who not only isn’t completely sold on the place, but do not even be on the same page as these 5 other people. But, if I know one thing about NYC, it’s that real estate doesn’t last long. I knew that if we didn’t make a decision (and fast) about this apartment, it would be gone. I also knew that trying to find a place for six people to live was never going to be easy. Essentially what it boils down to, is that I felt obligated to sign the lease on the apartment even if I was less than thrilled about it. I later expressed these things to one of my roommates, and how I regret not speaking up for myself about the fact that I wasn’t 100% on board before making things official.
I am here to learn. Since I never finished college, and don’t have plans to go back anytime in the near future if at all- this is my college. This is the school of hard knocks (for lack of a less cheesy description). I am living, and boy am I learning.
After spending the first week on the Upper West Side, with my friend Anna and her husband Marcos, it was time to move in. When we signed the lease we were told that our upstairs portion of the apartment would be finished by September 1st if not sooner and the bottom portion of our place would be finished by September 7th. Emily and I were so looking forward to finally having a place to call our own. Emily and Lois both had to work on the 1st and Rose wasn’t able to move in that day- so I was the first to make it to the apartment. Bombshell... Our apartment was not only NOT ready to move into, but it was hardly even close. “Apparently” our landlord had failed to mention to the contractors exactly when everything was promised to be finished so they had been working at a slower pace. The upside of everything, was that both our upstairs and our down stairs were being worked on at the same speed and would be ready at the same time rather than having to wait an extra week. The downside of this meant that someone needed to be in the apartment whenever the workmen were there to watch over our stuff. Just in case you’ve ever wondered... sitting in an apartment with no furniture, no internet, and no TV, is booooooooring!!
After three days of this Emily and I were very much in need of some refreshments (if ya know what I mean... and I think you do). As it turns out, a nephew through marriage (my Aunt Andrea is married to Michael who’s sister’s son is Ricky: my new neighbor!) was looking for an apartment in Brooklyn at the same time I was, and the apartment on the forth floor of my building was available! We all moved in on the same day, and were going through the same hard times with our apartments not being fully ready; so they were more than happy to join us that evening. It was fun having automatic friends, especially when they already knew people in Brooklyn! Emily and I had gone “window” bed shopping a few days earlier but hadn’t purchased anything since we weren’t 100% about our exact move-in date or how much we were interested in spending on beds. By this time, enough was enough- I was sick of sleeping on the floor; I needed a bed ASAP. I went back into the city to purchase a bed I’d had my eye on. I was a little sad to find out that they weren’t able to deliver it for 4 1/2 days, but just knowing one was on its way was enough for me!
Since all the “excitement” of moving into an unfinished apartment and finally getting my bed, nothing really actually exciting has really happened. I’m sorry to report. I know a lot of people are expecting me to write home about how amazing and fabulous my life is now that I’m living here. It’s not that it’s not, it’s just that I’m still getting settled and don’t exactly have the funds to do anything super fabulous. Besides, I’m waiting for people to come visit me before I do any of the touristy things. I know a lot of people (ahhhemm roommates ;) think that since I live here now I won’t want to do typical touristy things. Think again. I cannot wait for people to come visit me so I can have a reason/excuse to finally get to do these things!
I’m sorry if for some of you, this update is not exactly what you were expecting. I don’t want to come off as being negative, or upset, or even maybe to some of you, naive. I just want to be honest. I don’t want to sit here and write about how amazing and fabulous my life is here, when it’s not... yet.
I’m still learning so much and slowly but surely every day seems to get a little better.
I’ve only gotten myself lost twice- and I’ve gotten myself out of it without too much stress.
Last week I interviewed with a photography agent to be an intern. I haven’t heard back yet, but please keep that job for me in your thoughts and prayers- it seriously would be such a dream for me. Just yesterday, I interviewed with a photographer to intern with, and got the job! I’m so thankful! Since it is an internship, it’s not paid- but I knew coming here that finding a job exactly like this was highly likely. And I’m so lucky because I can roughly make my own schedule with this photog, and work as little as one day a week if I want to- so plenty of flexibility to find other (paying) work. And get this, the best part... this photog is a WOMAN!!! Someone up there is listening to my prayers!
I hope everyone’s decent into fall is going well. Enjoy some pictures below of my first few weeks in NYC!
So much love to you all, and as always, thank you for reading!

Emily had heard of this free music festival going on in Williamsburg. On our walk to the festival, we found tons of fantastic photographic areas. You can totally see the resemblance, right? > Emily and I on the Williamsburg Waterfront with NYC in the background > I still can't believe I live here sometimes!!!

I'd heard of Centro Vinoteca from a blog I follow (Missy Maintains). It sounded too good to be true that for $22 you could get a delicious brunch with unlimited drinks!! Emily and I were not let down, delicious indeed :) > Emily got the eggs benedict > I got bacon, eggs, and home fries > Emily and I with our yummy bloody Mary & Belini

Time Square... I hope I don't have to come back here very often. It's utter chaos. A note to those coming to visit one day: If this is something you want to see, you might be on your own; I'll meet up with you when you've had your fix. > Grand Central Station: I am so in love with this building! I wish I had a reason to pass through here every day! I also can't help but think of Gossip Girl every time I'm there ;) > Central Park: I felt really lucky that Anna and Marcos lived so close to CP, it was such a lovely day when I went to go see it. I can't wait to spend more time there!! > My toes: I know this is kinda gross, but I just wanted to point out how much walking I've been doing. What's really funny is that one day I came home and looked down, and this is what my toes looked like- I didn't even feel them hurting that badly!

Boom Restaurant was hands down the best lasagna I've had in a very long time. I was almost sad that Emily and I were on our way out for the evening so I couldn't take my left overs home! > Fred's was a really great chill bar just up the street from Marcos & Anna's house, plus I got a "free" umbrella! ;) > Marcos suggested we not leave the Upper West Side before we had a chance to try out Crumbs cupcakes! They're no Saint Cupcake, but still...They were DELICIOUS!! > Cafe 71 was one of my favorite places when we were staying with Anna & Marcos- it's just a deli, but they had such an amazing assortment of food!!! I want to go back!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

the road to NYC

I’ve decided that this will end on a “ be continued” note because in just the week it took me to leave Omaha and arrive in NYC, a lot happened. I hope you’ll bear with me and read it all! On that note, enjoy...

I spent most of Sunday (8/15) and all day Monday(8/16) getting all of my stuff together and packed as much as I could so I could fully go out Monday and really enjoy myself and not have to worry about everything I needed to do before I left in the morning.
For my last night in Omaha, I knew I wanted to go into Blue because I knew that would be the only way I’d get to see my cousin Brandon one last time. I had such a fun night! I was so surprised who was able to make it out considering it was a Monday night. Thank you all so much for coming!!

(8/17) Tuesday morning was a wee bit rough, but a girls got to do, what a girls got to do when she’s got her sights set on the Big Apple! I puled myself out of bed and finished packing up my car to head off to St. Louis, MO to pick up Emily. I made it to STL in pretty good time, considering I left about 2 hours after I had originally wanted to...
It was so good to finally see Emily! We haven’t seen each other since high school! I love friendships like ours that can still remain in tack even when 7+ years have gone by without seeing or really even talking to each other. That night Alaina and Emily had really wanted to see this jazz singer, Kim Massie who was playing in down town STL. Unfortunately that night, I only took Holga/film shots- so there’s hope that eventually I’ll do another post someday... but if you know me, it probably won’t happen. Listening to Kim sing was a BLAST! I had so much fun with my roomies that night! I can’t wait for us all to be together under one roof again soon!

(8/18)Wednesday morning was another early morning so that we could make it to Columbus, OH by 3 or 4 o’clock so Emily could get in as much time as possible with her boyfriend, Brian. A couple of weeks ago, I was at B&N to pick up a book for NYC when something caught my eye: “Drive and learn French”!! It was only $10 and I had JUST told Emily and Alaina a week before how I really wanted to learn how to speak french. It was too perfect to pass up. Emily and I had a good time learning how to say “what time is it?”, “it’s over there”, “it’s hot”, and a variety of different colors. When we first got in, Emily and I both were feeling a little sticky, so we went for a dip in Brian’s pool- it was such a perfect August afternoon!
Originally Emily had said that Brian had big dinner plans for us, but by the time dinner came around, we were all too pooped to go anywhere. Emily and Brian had remembered about a time they’d made their own pizza, and how good it was with a bit of egg as the protein- so we decided we’d make pizza for dinner! It was soooo delicious! That night, we made two pizza’s, 1: whole wheat crust with olive oil, spinach, broccoli, red bell pepper, onion, egg, and of course, cheese. 2: regular crust (Boboli) red sauce, grilled chicken, broccoli, red bell pepper, onion, and cheese. We washed it all down with a beer, or two (or three...) or in my case, wine :)

(8/19) Brian and his roommate Chris Hall both work for Honda so since our time in OH was limited, Emily and I met them at Honda for lunch that day. Honda does a VERY good job of keeping everything top secret, so I wasn’t able to take any pictures inside- but I thought it was only fair that my little baby got to take a picture with her momma!

After lunch, Emily and I went for a walk around Antrim Park. Half way along the path, we found a few little paths that led closer to the water so we decided to follow them and see where they went! The water was a little dirty... but the paths were really neat. Emily and I both agreed that certain spots reminded us of our high school days spent at the creek.

Since the pizza was so delicious the first night, and we still had one crust and plenty of veggies left, we decided to do pizza again. Another whole wheat with olive oil, broccoli, red bell pepper, spinach, egg and cheese.

The night prior Brian had introduced me to his friend Yousuf. Yousuf celebrates Ramadan is and fasting for the month where he can only eat and drink after sunset and before sunrise. Wednesday night he had invited us over to his house for tea and coffee the following night, so we left down town Columbus and headed back to Yousuf’s. Yousuf made me the most delicious mint tea I’ve ever had! We had to cut the tea a little short because all of us were planning on being up and out the door before 6AM the following morning.

(8/20) I got the idea to pick a bouquet of wild flowers off the side of the road, because there are some really beautiful flowers all along the highway. Emily and I wanted to have something to give to Andrea (my step mom) when we got into North Carolina so we got busy picking flowers on the side of the road before we even left Ohio. When I used to work for Cheer Ltd., it became a tradition to stop at every state sign as we drove... Emily and I were only able to stop at two signs :(

By the time we got closer and closer to NC, Emily and I were both getting really excited and we kind of stopped paying attention to our directions. The plan was originally to get into NC early enough to have plenty of time to hit the Greensboro water park- but Emily and I went almost 100 miles out of our way; so by the time we back tracked and finally made it to the house, there wasn’t really enough time to make the water park worth the money. We ended up going to the country club that my family belongs to, let me tell you... a dip in the pool has never felt sooooo good! We finished the night off with some good ol’ BBQ for dinner (I’d been craving a pulled pork sandwich for a long time!)

(8/21) It felt really nice to be able to really sleep in, and in a bed! We woke up and went to the farmers market where Andrea had a groupon to use. It was the cutest little shop I’d ever been to, and not at all like a “normal” farmers market. Since the water park idea had gone out the window the day before, we decided to try to make it happen again... only to fail... again... Turns out my families passes are not good on Saturdays, so for all 6 of us to go, it would have cost over $200 (maybe even $300) so we scratched that idea. When all else fails, go to the country club :) After swimming at the CC, I told everyone that we HAD to stop at Bojangles so everyone could try their french fries. I’m glad Boja’s didn’t let me down. Everyone loved them! They are seriously the most amazing french fries, EVER. Shortly after we got home, Emily and I went for a run. There is a pretty cool little trail that goes along my parents neighborhood. Holy bucket, I am out of shape!!! After a post run shower, we were told to meet down at the dock right behind my parents house (they live on a man-made lake) for a surprise put together by my brother, Noah and my dad. Neither Emily or I had any idea what to expect, but was thrilled to find them floating up on a big pontoon boat with a chilled bottle of wine waiting for us!

After the boat ride, we ate a delicious dinner out on the back patio. The weather, and evening was perfect.
(8/22) Was pretty boring, spent most of our day either at the AT&T store, or packing.
For dinner we went to Natty Greene’s Brewery- YUM!! After dinner Emily and I showed down town Greensboro a good time at their (I would assume, only) gay bar and made some new friends!

(8/23) I went with the fam to drop the boys off for their first day of school. It was pretty cute seeing them so nervous for their first day of high school (for Noah) and at at a new school. It brought me back to my first day of high school, I surprised myself with how clearly I remembered it!! After a little nap, Emily and I were a little hungover, so we stopped at a Chick-fil-A for a little fast food - hangover cure. It did the trick. Following lunch, we picked up Gabriel from school (Noah was already off on a camping trip with his class) and headed over to the Apple store to get my iPhone. Now, if you’re a facebook friend of mine, or if you regularly read my blog... you know that the “Vote for Melanie” champagne was still going strong. You better believe that Gabriel, Emily, and I took our roles very serious and went to every single computer in the apple store and voted. After a long day of waiting on my iPhone, and packing, we ended the night with a Grasshoppers game (Greensboro’s AAA baseball team). I even drank my OWN beer!
Emily and I were leaving the following morning at 4AM so we decided not to go to sleep so we would get some good sleep on the train.

(8/24) When we arrived at the train station, we were positive we were there in plenty of time, but the Amtrak agents let us know otherwise. Emily and I each had the maximum amount of bags allowed (for free) plus one or two extra. I knew we had a lot of stuff, but don’t think I realized HOW much that really added up to be. At last we got onto our train and settled into our seats. It was kind of a bummer at it was so early in the morning because everyone was sleeping and all we wanted to do was scream and giggle with excitement that we were finally on our way to NYC! After one or two little “night caps”

Emily and I finally tried to get some sleep. I say “tried” because the two men sitting directly across from me were snoring SOOOOO loud! I wanted to punch them. I think I maybe got a total of 2 possibly 3 hours of sleep before pulling into Penn Station around 3:30PM...

Check back soon to continue reading all about my crazy journey....

Monday, August 30, 2010


Ever since I made the announcement to move to NYC, I had about 100 people saying they'd come visit me. Even people I'd just met. I feel like I remember a lot of people saying they'd come visit me when I moved to Oregon- and I only got a small handful of people to actually follow through with that. Hell- when I moved from Eugene to Portland I even had people saying they'd come up to visit who never did.
Man, if I had a dime every time I had a person promise to visit me... my NYC rent would be paid for! The statement usually goes a little something like this:
"I'm gonna start saving, and come visit you!" - friend, random, or the like
"Oh okay..." - me
"No really I am! I promise!!" - them

So I'm just gonna put it out there, I'm gonna make a list of all of the people who have said they're coming to visit and see who actually follows through. (In no particular order)
  1. Merideth
  2. Nicole
  3. Melissa
  4. Meg
  5. Kate
  6. Tim
  7. Sarah G.
  8. Sarah P.
  9. Katie
  10. Sarah B.
  11. Amber
  12. Alisa
  13. Anne
  14. Brad
  15. Donovan
  16. Emily
  17. Eric
  18. Kyle
  19. Heidi
  20. Kim
  21. Mike
  22. Shaun
  23. Mallory
I'm sure there's even a few that I'm forgetting in there somewhere.... but I think that'll do for now.
Now it's real people! It's in print! ONLINE!!! Start saving those pennies and get out here to the east coast!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

NY at last.

I have arrived. It's true.
It's been a very interesting week+
But for about another week half of my stuff will be in the Upper West Side (including myself) and the other half of my stuff will be in Brooklyn- including all my cords and cables... so pictures will have to wait.
Hold tight all you eager beavers! Full updates are on their way! I've already started writing, I just need those photos!!

Thank you all over and over again for your continued support and your interest in my silly life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Past | Present | Future...

For many years now, I have wanted to take my photography to the next level. I've desired a higher education for photography.
Since at least 2003 I always thought I would end up in California. I thought I would end up at The Brooks Institute of Photography. For yeeeeeears I had many people telling me that school was a waste of my time and money and that if I truly wanted a good photography education, my best bet would be to find someone to assist/intern with.
I don't know why, but I always had my heart set on California. Maybe it's because I'm from Arizona, and a huge part of me misses that heat and sun on a daily basis? 9 times out of 10 when I would tell someone I wanted to move to California to "make it", they told me that if I was actually serious about it- I needed to be in New York, not California.

I will never forget the day my dad came home from my brothers parent-teacher conferences and told me about a photographer who was the father of one of my brothers classmates. He did his best to stress to my dad how important it would be for me to be in New York, not California. And my dad did his best to pass the message along. Like a robot I said "I know, I know. But California is where I want to be."
I knew right then that I was lying to myself.
Would I love to live in a city that never gets below 70〫? Would I love to live close to the ocean? Would I love to live near one of my best friends from high school? Yes, yes, yes.
Do I agree that NY is a better place for me, and what I want to do? Absolutely, 100%.

This move to NY has been a year+ in the making.
When I made the decision to make this move, I always said I would go- weather or not I could find someone to go with me.
I never dreamed that I would be so lucky to not only find one person to go with me, but two wonderful women. (plus one, but I don't know him... I'll make sure to fill you all in once we've met :) I am so glad that I'm not doing this on my own. I can't imagine my life being any other way right now.

Shortly after the 4th of July weekend, I spoke with my froommate (future roommate) Emily and she expressed to me that she had been entertaining the thought of heading to NY about a month earlier than originally planned. I thought about it for about 2 weeks before I decided that I would go with her. I'm very happy here in Omaha, and I've really enjoyed my summer here- but I need to stop living like I'm a high schooler on summer vacation. It's time to get serious. And there is no time like the present, right?

After many phone calls, emails, text messages, chat sessions... Emily and I decided that it would make the most sense to drive my car to North Carolina (where my parents and brothers just moved) and take the train from NC to NYC. While of course the train is going to take almost 5 times the amount it would take it would to fly- the cost benefits far outweighed the travel time. Did you know you can get a train ticket and up to SIX bags for at least $70 less than if you were to fly?! <- Just a little tip from me to you.
My last bit of time here in Nebraska is very surreal. People are constantly asking me, "Are you ready?", "Are you packed?", "Are you excited?". Am I ready? Mentally, yes. Physically, no. I have not packed much up- but plan on taking the next 2.5 days to do so.
Am I excited?
Excited doesn't even begin to explain the way I feel right now.
I have never felt more sure of anything in my life- and it's about to start happening in just a few short days.

I am so thankful, and grateful for all the wonderful people I have met here in Nebraska. Please know that my summer would not have been the same without each and every one of you.

Thank you to all of you who follow my blog and care enough to read about what I have to say.
Please stay tuned, as the next chapter of my life is about to be written.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vote for Melanie!

As you've already seen a couple of post's down- Melanie recently had her 2 month photos taken (by me ;)
Well one of them came out SO good that Meg decided to enter her in a baby photo contest! I mean, she really is the worlds cutest baby riiiiight?
The best part is, along with a bunch of other prizes, if she wins the grand prize, she could receive a $25,000 scholarship!
It's super easy; all you have to do is go to this site:

-Search Photos
-Enter Melanie in the name box
-Enter Omaha in the city

Melanie's picture should pop up and click to vote. All you have to do is enter an e-mail address.

Every vote counts!
So please vote and help her win! You can only vote once a day, from each computer.

Get to it people!!! Make Melanie the next Gerber baby! :D

Friday, July 30, 2010

"This is a man's world"

Back in May, my dad met a [Portland] photographer who offered to help and "mentor" me as much as he could on my journey to NYC and finding a photographer to intern with.
His suggestion was to go through fashion magazines and make a list of all the photographers that caught my eye. I was then to give him the list (assuming they lived/worked in NYC) and he would get in touch with his agent to see if he could arrange a interview or a job for me with said photographer(s).
I have taken his advice and have now gone through three magazines. Yes, only three. I didn't want to spend money on any new magazines when I knew we had a few at home. I went through: In Style, Vogue, and Marie Claire. I tore out easily 100 pages of photos that really inspire me. At this time, I'm really excited by editorial work but am also looking to get into some beauty work and the occasional commercial work, but mostly just to pay the bills.

All of that is besides the point.
I have now compiled a list of 11 photographers all who's work I admire, and would be honored to work with. I have not taken the time just yet to see if they are in NYC- that's next on my "to-do" list.

All of them are men.
(hence the James Brown quote)

I exclude Annie Leibovitz from this list because as much as I would die to speak to her, let alone work with her- I'm being realistic: that will never happen.
It baffles (and bothers) me that in our society today, and in such a creative field, it is still dominated by men. I feel like if I wanted to be a lawyer, or a Wall Street tycoon, this might not bother me so much (not to say that women can't do those jobs, and do them damn well).
Especially considering the amount of models, marketing, etc, are women.
More often than not, when I work with a [female] model- they compliment me on how easy it is to work with me, and how refreshing it is to shoot with a woman. How a woman doesn't use words like "that's hot" or "sexy" when describing how a shot should or does look. We use words like "beautiful", or "elegant".
*** To all of my male photographer friends: I mean no disrespect to you, I still admire you and am forever grateful that I know you.***

I am now on a mission:
Find a NYC woman photographer to intern with.
Perhaps that's setting the bar a little high for myself?
Perhaps working with a women would be worse? (because we all know how women can be sometimes ;) Regardless, I'm going to at least make an attempt to work with a woman.
And furthermore, this has sparked a fire inside me that will continue to fuel me to be a great, well-known, WOMAN photographer.

Watch out world. Abbey Corbett is about to make a difference.