In light of recent events, I have decided to take a bit of a risk and put online, in public, for all the world to see, what I'm looking for in a man. Call it my "field of dreams" list, if you will. In no particular order these are the things I hope to find in the man of my dreams someday-
- Not a night owl *doesn't need to be an early riser like me, but I don't want to be with someone who regularly sleeps until noon
- Wants kids someday (preferably at least 3) *I'm not in a rush, but I need to know it's not off the table
- Artistic/creative *even if he just likes to build/fix things around the house... that's hot.
- Sensitive *I'm not looking for a cry baby, but I need someone that can express their feelings
- Athletic/physically fit *I don't have a rock body, and don't expect my mate to either, but I do enjoy working out and would love to find someone that would enjoy staying in shape together
- Funny
- Doesn't hate cats *I mean, Beefcake isn't going anywhere anytime soon...
- Not a heavy drinker/party-er
- Non-smoker (weed or tobacco)
- Drug free
- Romantic
- Good communicator
- Affectionate *I'm 100% for PDA and have learned from past relationships how incredibly important this is to me
- Enjoys traveling
- Has goals and ambitions *they don't need to be the same as mine, as long as he has them!
- Likes my cooking
- Has good manners
- Has his own circle of friends *I don't want to be the only person he ever hangs out with, and vice versa
- 5'9" or taller *sorry I'm not sorry for having this on my list
- Likes to cuddle *along with the PDA, I've realized this is something I don't think I could live without!
Now listen, I'm sure if I had written this list 10 or even 5 years ago, I'd probably be on the floor laughing about what was on my list. So this is just a list of current wants. I expect that in the future my wants and needs will change as I change, and there's nothing wrong with that. If we didn't grow and change, what a sad world this would be! Now come on Mr. Right! I'm ready to meet you! ;)