Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snowy NYC

I'll try to keep this one short, sweet, and simple.

The day after Christmas, NYC got hit hard with a blizzard bringing in a reported 20 inches of snow. Since then, the snow has slowed, but not stopped. About once a week, we'd get another dusting, if not a dumping. Thankfully it's been almost 2 weeks since we've gotten anything. Unfortunately, it's been so darn cold (and rainy) it hasn't melted much.

I really wanted to take advantage of the city when it was covered in a beautiful white blanket, so I went on a Central Park adventure not too long ago. The park is so beautiful during every season, but I think especially during this time of year.

I'll stop boring you with numbing chit chat and just let the photos to the talking...
- Please click on each image to view them large!

This last one was taken the last week in January a day after our last big dumping. This is looking out my back door into our back yard. About an hour after this photo was taken, we had a snowman that was almost 6 feet tall, thanks in part to SP & my roomies. (sorry- you'll have to let your imagination do the work, unless we're FB friends, in which case go check him out there!)
Please feel free to leave any comments, or constructive criticism, I love to hear what you think!
I've been very inspired lately to get out and shoot more, so hopefully you'll be seeing more of my work here more often!

Thank you, as always for taking time out of your day to view my blog.