Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tough times

I swear some post, way-back-when, I posted about all of the "shit New Yorkers" would say to me as a blunt "welcome to New York"... I looked briefly through old posts, but couldn't find it. Doesn't really matter, I was mainly looking for it as a reference to preface this post.
I haven't posted here in over 6 months.
No one seems to have really noticed, so I stopped caring myself.
I started blogging for Cheer NY, and was focusing more on my photography blog (which I recommend checking out if you haven't already). Anyway, you know the story... Life gets in the way, you get busy, you find other things to do to preoccupy your time. My story is no different.
Wanna know what I've been up to?
I've been learning life lessons the hard way. By making mistakes and learning how to never make them again. I've been living the life of what is said to be a typical New Yorker.

  1. I've lived in 3 of the 5 borough's (Brooklyn, Queens, and now Manhattan)
  2. I've "summered" in Southampton
  3. I've seen subway rats
  4. I've seen cockroaches the size of my thumbs
  5. I have had and experience bed bugs
  6. I've sublet my room to a foreigner 
And wait... here's the best one yet....

    7. I'm currently being kicked out/evicted of my apartment. 

I always used to say that apartment hunting was so fun. You got to see what your money can get you (and what it can't); you can see the difference between a skeezy broker vs. a broker with a heart and what a difference it makes; seeing all these different apartments and fantasizing about what your life could be like in these homes is all part of the "fun" right? Wrong. Maybe that's right when you're not under pressure to get out of your home as quickly as possible. But dealing with a bi-polar, lying landlord; running all over the city viewing up to 10 different apartments a day; trying to coordinate erratic schedules with roommates; dealing with agents who decide not to tell you until 2 weeks into the process that you've applied for a co-op and may not get an answer for another 4 weeks... let me tell you, I'm not only not having fun; I'm exhausted.

In the fantasy that plays out in my head, some girl let's say, in the mid-west somewhere has stumbled upon my blog and decides to regularly check back to see if I've posted anything recently so she can help better prepare herself for her big move out East where she'll follow her dreams, yadah, yadah, yadah.... So mystery/make believe girl... this one's for you. Here's my advise from one new New Yorker to another...
  • You came here for a reason. Don't forget what that reason is, or let NYC scare you into thinking you don't actually belong here. You do. 
  • That reason above that you decided to come out here for? People are telling you it's stupid, right? Telling you that you can't do it, that you won't make it, you'll never find a place to live, never find a job that pays you enough to cover the bills? They're liars. In fact, they're probably just jealous of you for having the guts to do something they didn't. You failing will only give them satisfaction. Let this light your fire. Keep your head up. One day, you'll be able to smile at them and say, "I made it".
  • If you're lucky enough to have a friend or family who are willing to let you crash with them while you find the perfect job/apartment; don't feel bad for taking them up on this; but don't take advantage of them. Everyone deserves a chance, don't waste yours by being a rude house guest. Remember this, because some number of months or years down the road, the roles will be reversed and someone will be calling upon you for the same favor.
  • You hear real estate goes fast here? Eh, it does... but only if you're not prepared to hand over all of your documents, certified checks, and energy the moment you find a place that feels right. Do not drag your feet. THAT is how you loose the apartment of your dreams. 
  • You think you're prepared to spend XYZ number of dollars on rent per month? Do yourself a favor, add about $200/month to that. You'll be glad you did. You'll also have now set a standard for yourself of what is an acceptable place of residence. If you find a great pad for cheaper, great, now go buy yourself a pair of shoes. 
  • If you find yourself in a living situation that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Do not move into a place without signing a legal lease with the landlord prior to your moving in. 
  • Do not move in with a roommate that you've only met via Skype. A roommate interview is not unlike a job interview... anyone can make themselves look good on paper. Ask them serious logistic questions about their living styles and what it's like to actually live with them. You're both on your own here, you don't want to be stuck cleaning up after them, turning off lights everywhere you go, being the only one who takes the trash out, living on opposite sleep schedules. If you're a  morning person, don't waste your time moving in with someone who is a professed night owl and think it won't bother you. 
  • Find friends outside of work. Not that your co-workers can't or won't be cool, but it's important to live a balanced life. Get on, join a running group, take a class, something. Anything. 
  • Keep new said friends at a distance until you've really gotten to know them and know that you can trust them. NYC is an "every man for himself" kinda place... you'd be surprised at the number of people you thought were friends who are willing to step on you to get ahead. 
  • When you do find a solid group of friends (or friend. Singular): hold onto them tight, but know that their time in NYC might come to an end before yours does. Don't let this get you down, now you know someone you can visit in another state! 
  • Find work that will make you happy. There are an infinite number of things you can do to make money in this city. There is no sense in sticking with something simply for the fact that it's keeping you employed with your head above water. Even if you came here with the dream of doing job A, don't be surprised if you end up trying jobs B, C and D before landing and loving job E. 
  • Things are expensive here. There's not a more simple way of putting it. That $5 cocktail you're getting from your neighborhood dive bar back home, it's going to cost you $15 here. Things also come in smaller packages, but for the same price, if not higher. They know you need it, and they know you'll pay for it, so you might as well get used to it. 
These are just a few of the things that life has taught me recently. I'm sure another curve ball is just around the corner. And you know what? I'm standing here with my bat up ready to swing. I never thought living here was going to be easy. I had no idea just how hard it would be, but every time I get knocked down and get back up again, I grow a little bit stronger. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I don't know if this is a secret that no one ever told me about.... but apparently spring time means visitors!

Back in 2009 when I had made the decision to move here, I contacted an old Cheer Ltd. friend, Aisha to let her know that I was moving to NYC as she had been living in the area her entire life. She would more or less be the only person I knew in the area when I moved here. Well as time went on and life happened, we never were able to coordinate getting together when I got here. It wasn't until a year and a half after having lived here that we finally got together! Aisha recently became engaged to a really great guy, Matt, and I could not have been more flattered or honored when they asked me to shoot their engagement photos!

I would really love to share a few with you, but I'm in the process of editing them right now and A&M haven't even had a chance to see them yet... so I need to reserve the first view for their eyes :)

Since A&M's engagement session would be not only the first one that I've shot in a while, but the first one I've shot in NYC... so I needed some reenforcement, I needed to find an assistant!
Unfortunately, all of my photo buddies in NYC were busy that weekend. But very luckily another friend from way back when lives only a couple of states away and is just starting to get into photography.

Mallory and I met in Jr. high and have stayed in touch ever since. She just recently started taking a photography class and I've seen her grow a lot as a budding photographer. I was so happy when I contacted her asking if she would come up from D.C. to assist me on this shoot and she said "yes"!
Just days before Mallory came into down, I had breakfast with another high school friend who lives here, Anna. If you are a loyal follower, you might remember me talking about Anna and Marcos from when I first got to NYC. They were nice enough to let Emily and I stay with them for the first week while we found jobs, our apartment, and our way around the city. Anna, Mallory, and I all went to high school together so Anna and I agreed that when Mallory got into town we'd all have to get together again.
It was so fun catching up with them and listening to all the things we have done and gone through the last 10+ years when we were all together last.... marriages, moves, buying homes, and babies on the way!

Isn't Anna the most adorable preggers you've ever seen!? I cannot wait until May when Anna, Marcos and I will be doing a maternity shoot!

In about 2.5 weeks, my good friend Amber will be coming to visit for a few days. Amber and I met while coaching CHS cheerleading in Portland.

We're going to have a blast shooting her trash the dress and hopefully get in some stunting as well :)

In the middle of April, my mom will be coming to visit me in NYC for the very first time ever!

I'll be running my first 1/2 marathon and I'm so excited that she's going to be there cheering me on at the finish line!

At the end of April, my Major BFF, Amber (different Amber) will be coming to stay with me for a whole week!!!! I haven't seen her since 2008!!!!

I can't wait to have her here and do all the silly, girly touristy stuff with her!

As staying in NYC forever was never really my plan, I encourage all of you to come visit me soon... Spring, winter, fall or summer! I don't know exactly how long I'll be here, or have a plan of leaving, I just know it will happen someday. I'd love to see you before that day comes!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

20 pounds... gone!

Since I've started running, there have been times where I think to myself, "why am I doing this??".
My roommates tell me all the time that they think I'm crazy for running.
Shortly after I started really making a commitment to running (back in April '11) I discovered an app for my phone (RunKeeper, for those that are interested to know) that would track my runs. It would give me my stats for time, distance, pace, and loads of other interesting information.
I started posting my stats on my Facebook because, I felt like maybe if I put it out there in public, it would help keep me accountable to stick with it.

I really never thought that the feedback I would get from friends would be what kept me going.
I can't even begin to tell you the overwhelming response I've gotten from people who email me or tell me I'm inspiring them. Even my friends who are already runners, or into working out are telling me that my posts, and pictures make them want to get out and get moving.
It just goes to show you, that you just never know how what you do, or what you say will effect others.
A huge thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever emailed me, commented on a photo of mine, or told me in person that I've inspired you in some way. Please keep them coming... they inspire ME and keep me motivated to keep doing what I'm doing.

That also brings me to the other thing that has been keeping me motivated lately....
These are screen shots from a video I had taken just after moving to NYC. I was going through my phone the other day to delete old photos when I came across this. I was appalled. How did I ever let myself get this out of hand?! I look swollen! If you remember the BLOG POST I did in August about my weight loss, you may remember this shot: 
This is from just a couple of days before I moved to NYC. Oye.

Please don't ask me how it's possible that I didn't get motivated until the following spring before I decided to take action...
Slowly... getting.. there...
Finally starting to see progress...

And here I am today!! Finally, my hard work is proving to pay off!

I've lost almost 20 pounds since August 2010! Can you believe it?! These pictures are such a great reminder for me of where I was, to where I am now. I feel really lucky that I actually enjoy running- I know it's not enjoyable for a lot of people; but I firmly believe if you can force yourself to do it, and constantly remind yourself why you're doing it, it becomes addicting. 

You may start to see some changes in my blog in the future... I'm still on the fence about where I want this "publication" to go. I already have another blog dedicated to my photography, so if that's what you're after, I suggest you check that one out HERE. I'm considering making this blog more health/fitness/food related; but I would really love to hear from YOU about what you'd like to hear about. Would you enjoy reading a more healthful related blog? More NYC experiences? 
Tell me in comments below!

Thank you, as always for taking the time to read about me, my life, and my struggles and successes. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 in Review

I wanted to do something a little different than last year. I feel like the majority of you are all friends with me on facebook, so I didn't want to bore you with loads of pictures you've already seen (though, please forgive if there is a repeat or two). Instead, I want to give out one last thank you from 2011 for all the great things I've been blessed to have added to my life this past year....

New Roommates

The most amazing cheerleading team, ever.

1 year anniversary of living in NYC

Fabulous new friends for life

Even more fabulous new life long friends.

The strength and will power to maintain a healthier body

A new found love for running

I'm not sure I'm all that fond of the term "resolutions"; because I feel like, if you don't accomplish them, it sounds like a much bigger disappointment or let down.
So instead Im going to share my goals with you for the future that I will start in 2012:

- eat pasta once a week
- eat fish once a week
- exercise (weights) at least 3 times/week and no more than 5 times/week 
- run at least 3 times/week
- stretch 4 times/week 
- eat 3 banana's/week
- write 1 hand written letter/week

I realize that they are all health/food related, but I'm at a point in my life right now where that is my main focus. I have even decided to put my photography on the back burner a little bit. I'm feeling very burnt out with it, and just don't have the same passion I had for it at one time. I'm hoping a break, and some time to gather some funds to buy updated equipment will help give me back that fire I once had for it.

I hope your 2012 is off to a great start so far! Have you made any goals or resolutions?