Friday, February 1, 2013

Goals (continued)

As promised, here is a list of the goals I have set for myself for the next month. I will do an update after the month is over to let you know how I did (and to keep myself accountable)!

February 2013
  • Run at least 75 miles
  • Go to yoga at least twice
  • Take my scheduled cross training days seriously: actually do a full set of weights
  • Eat sweet & sour candy peaches from work no more than twice/week
  • Bring (healthy) lunch to work at least 4 times/week
  • Get checked for skin cancer
  • Hold at least a 1 minute plank no less than twice/week
  • Go to at least 1 spin class
  • Find someone to run at least 1/2 of my long runs with me
  • Do at least 1 thing I could only do in NYC

So there you have it folks! Some of these things have already been mapped out for me to do for a while now, or I've already been doing them, I just want to make sure that I keep up with them. I'm a very competitive person, and hold myself at a higher standard than probably anyone else does- so I'm really hoping that by having this in writing, and ONLINE, I'll actually stick to it!

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