Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I have recently decided to cancel and delete my online dating profile. I realize that it is 2013 and online dating is a perfectly acceptable way of meeting someone these days- hell I even know a handful of people that have successful relationships come from online dating sites! But for me, it's just loosing it's spark. It feels so impersonal. What ever happened to real dating? Do people seriously not meet in grocery stores, or at the park, or coffee shops, etc. etc. etc. anymore???
For as long as I can remember, since at least 13 years of age (but probably longer), I have wanted a boyfriend. Nothing about that has changed in me. I still want a meaningful relationship, maybe now more than ever. But my desire to literally date is gone and dead. The thought of going out on another lame, mundane date that is nothing but a free meal mixed with small talk is exhausting to me.
So I'm sad to say, that as much as I wanted these fun dating ancedotes to be a part of my blog... I have a feeling these types of posts will be far and few in between- or gone forever.

That being said... if you happen to know someone you'd like to set me up with, I'm into it.

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