Friday, March 8, 2013

You can't have your cake, and eat it too!

I have a problem. What problem, you ask?
I have realized a lot lately, that I am very frequently #2. Here, let me explain by trying to paint you a little picture. It goes a little something like this: Girl meets boy. Boy flirts with girl. Girl gets excited and hopeful. Boy flirts a little more. Excitement still building. The, WHAM! Girl finds out that boy is not actually single. Balloon popped.

Boys: I ask you, what is it with you with wanting your cake and eating it to? Why do you flirt (from mild to stronggg flirtations) with another girl, when you have a girlfriend? Are you unhappy? Are you confused? Are you just using me to boost your ego, to remind yourself that you've still got "it"? I suspect it is likely the later. Have you no heart? Do you not realize that you're playing with someones emotions?
I ask you this, how would you feel if the roles were reversed?? Wouldn't you be upset if you knew that your girlfriend was flirting with other men just to validate herself?
Listen, I'm not trying to claim that women are perfect and that no woman in time has ever done this. But I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about you.

I just really want, for once in my life, to be the girl the boy is excited about. I want him to be single. I want him to be available. I can only stay hopeful that maybe someday, this wish will come true. Until then, guys, please stop thinking with your junk and start thinking with your brain.

**To all of my lady readers who's man liked it so much he put a ring on it, aren't you glad you don't have to deal with this shit anymore?!

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