Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A glimpse into the future

About 5 years ago, I met Quavondo. We met while in the photographers pit at a local fashion show. Out of all of the other photographers in the pit, he was the nicest to me (besides those with alterer motives). We clicked (no pun intended) right away. He bought me dinner, I helped him a few weeks later on a shoot and the rest, as they say, is history.
Since this time, he has exploded on the [Portland] fashion photography scene; all the while, he has stayed true to the man I met. Always humble. He continues to be a great inspiration to me, and is always more than willing and very happy to help me succeed.
Q has always made sure to ask me if I was available whenever he needed an assistant on set. Especially lately, since my heart has been set on getting to NYC, I've chosen to turn him down so I could take a shift at the OPH and make more money. As the saying goes, "live and learn" I have really realized that not taking him up on those offers was a poor decision.
I am beyond thankful that after all those times of me turning him down, he would continue to contact me to see if I was available.
As I am moving in exactly two weeks from today, I was really sad to think that I'd passed up all those opportunities and wouldn't be given another one (from Q) for an undetermined period of time. I was so thrilled when I received a text from him a few days ago to ask if I could assist him one last time before I left. Now, this would mean that I'd be giving up almost an entire day of packing... but I knew I had to do it. Especially since I'll be in NYC before I know it asking photographers if I can work for them, I knew the more experience I could gain before getting there, the better.

So... here's a little peak into my last (*tear) shoot with Quavondo. This was taken on my new Kodak Zi8! I'm still learning how to use it, and have NEVER used iMovie which is what I used to edit it with... so please bare with me. Enjoy!!

Thank you for always being such an inspiration and mentor Q. I'll really miss you. Please let me know if you're ever in my neck of the woods (wherever that may be at that moment) so we can reunite!!

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