Monday, August 30, 2010


Ever since I made the announcement to move to NYC, I had about 100 people saying they'd come visit me. Even people I'd just met. I feel like I remember a lot of people saying they'd come visit me when I moved to Oregon- and I only got a small handful of people to actually follow through with that. Hell- when I moved from Eugene to Portland I even had people saying they'd come up to visit who never did.
Man, if I had a dime every time I had a person promise to visit me... my NYC rent would be paid for! The statement usually goes a little something like this:
"I'm gonna start saving, and come visit you!" - friend, random, or the like
"Oh okay..." - me
"No really I am! I promise!!" - them

So I'm just gonna put it out there, I'm gonna make a list of all of the people who have said they're coming to visit and see who actually follows through. (In no particular order)
  1. Merideth
  2. Nicole
  3. Melissa
  4. Meg
  5. Kate
  6. Tim
  7. Sarah G.
  8. Sarah P.
  9. Katie
  10. Sarah B.
  11. Amber
  12. Alisa
  13. Anne
  14. Brad
  15. Donovan
  16. Emily
  17. Eric
  18. Kyle
  19. Heidi
  20. Kim
  21. Mike
  22. Shaun
  23. Mallory
I'm sure there's even a few that I'm forgetting in there somewhere.... but I think that'll do for now.
Now it's real people! It's in print! ONLINE!!! Start saving those pennies and get out here to the east coast!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

NY at last.

I have arrived. It's true.
It's been a very interesting week+
But for about another week half of my stuff will be in the Upper West Side (including myself) and the other half of my stuff will be in Brooklyn- including all my cords and cables... so pictures will have to wait.
Hold tight all you eager beavers! Full updates are on their way! I've already started writing, I just need those photos!!

Thank you all over and over again for your continued support and your interest in my silly life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Past | Present | Future...

For many years now, I have wanted to take my photography to the next level. I've desired a higher education for photography.
Since at least 2003 I always thought I would end up in California. I thought I would end up at The Brooks Institute of Photography. For yeeeeeears I had many people telling me that school was a waste of my time and money and that if I truly wanted a good photography education, my best bet would be to find someone to assist/intern with.
I don't know why, but I always had my heart set on California. Maybe it's because I'm from Arizona, and a huge part of me misses that heat and sun on a daily basis? 9 times out of 10 when I would tell someone I wanted to move to California to "make it", they told me that if I was actually serious about it- I needed to be in New York, not California.

I will never forget the day my dad came home from my brothers parent-teacher conferences and told me about a photographer who was the father of one of my brothers classmates. He did his best to stress to my dad how important it would be for me to be in New York, not California. And my dad did his best to pass the message along. Like a robot I said "I know, I know. But California is where I want to be."
I knew right then that I was lying to myself.
Would I love to live in a city that never gets below 70〫? Would I love to live close to the ocean? Would I love to live near one of my best friends from high school? Yes, yes, yes.
Do I agree that NY is a better place for me, and what I want to do? Absolutely, 100%.

This move to NY has been a year+ in the making.
When I made the decision to make this move, I always said I would go- weather or not I could find someone to go with me.
I never dreamed that I would be so lucky to not only find one person to go with me, but two wonderful women. (plus one, but I don't know him... I'll make sure to fill you all in once we've met :) I am so glad that I'm not doing this on my own. I can't imagine my life being any other way right now.

Shortly after the 4th of July weekend, I spoke with my froommate (future roommate) Emily and she expressed to me that she had been entertaining the thought of heading to NY about a month earlier than originally planned. I thought about it for about 2 weeks before I decided that I would go with her. I'm very happy here in Omaha, and I've really enjoyed my summer here- but I need to stop living like I'm a high schooler on summer vacation. It's time to get serious. And there is no time like the present, right?

After many phone calls, emails, text messages, chat sessions... Emily and I decided that it would make the most sense to drive my car to North Carolina (where my parents and brothers just moved) and take the train from NC to NYC. While of course the train is going to take almost 5 times the amount it would take it would to fly- the cost benefits far outweighed the travel time. Did you know you can get a train ticket and up to SIX bags for at least $70 less than if you were to fly?! <- Just a little tip from me to you.
My last bit of time here in Nebraska is very surreal. People are constantly asking me, "Are you ready?", "Are you packed?", "Are you excited?". Am I ready? Mentally, yes. Physically, no. I have not packed much up- but plan on taking the next 2.5 days to do so.
Am I excited?
Excited doesn't even begin to explain the way I feel right now.
I have never felt more sure of anything in my life- and it's about to start happening in just a few short days.

I am so thankful, and grateful for all the wonderful people I have met here in Nebraska. Please know that my summer would not have been the same without each and every one of you.

Thank you to all of you who follow my blog and care enough to read about what I have to say.
Please stay tuned, as the next chapter of my life is about to be written.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vote for Melanie!

As you've already seen a couple of post's down- Melanie recently had her 2 month photos taken (by me ;)
Well one of them came out SO good that Meg decided to enter her in a baby photo contest! I mean, she really is the worlds cutest baby riiiiight?
The best part is, along with a bunch of other prizes, if she wins the grand prize, she could receive a $25,000 scholarship!
It's super easy; all you have to do is go to this site:

-Search Photos
-Enter Melanie in the name box
-Enter Omaha in the city

Melanie's picture should pop up and click to vote. All you have to do is enter an e-mail address.

Every vote counts!
So please vote and help her win! You can only vote once a day, from each computer.

Get to it people!!! Make Melanie the next Gerber baby! :D