Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vote for Melanie!

As you've already seen a couple of post's down- Melanie recently had her 2 month photos taken (by me ;)
Well one of them came out SO good that Meg decided to enter her in a baby photo contest! I mean, she really is the worlds cutest baby riiiiight?
The best part is, along with a bunch of other prizes, if she wins the grand prize, she could receive a $25,000 scholarship!
It's super easy; all you have to do is go to this site:

-Search Photos
-Enter Melanie in the name box
-Enter Omaha in the city

Melanie's picture should pop up and click to vote. All you have to do is enter an e-mail address.

Every vote counts!
So please vote and help her win! You can only vote once a day, from each computer.

Get to it people!!! Make Melanie the next Gerber baby! :D

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