Monday, August 30, 2010


Ever since I made the announcement to move to NYC, I had about 100 people saying they'd come visit me. Even people I'd just met. I feel like I remember a lot of people saying they'd come visit me when I moved to Oregon- and I only got a small handful of people to actually follow through with that. Hell- when I moved from Eugene to Portland I even had people saying they'd come up to visit who never did.
Man, if I had a dime every time I had a person promise to visit me... my NYC rent would be paid for! The statement usually goes a little something like this:
"I'm gonna start saving, and come visit you!" - friend, random, or the like
"Oh okay..." - me
"No really I am! I promise!!" - them

So I'm just gonna put it out there, I'm gonna make a list of all of the people who have said they're coming to visit and see who actually follows through. (In no particular order)
  1. Merideth
  2. Nicole
  3. Melissa
  4. Meg
  5. Kate
  6. Tim
  7. Sarah G.
  8. Sarah P.
  9. Katie
  10. Sarah B.
  11. Amber
  12. Alisa
  13. Anne
  14. Brad
  15. Donovan
  16. Emily
  17. Eric
  18. Kyle
  19. Heidi
  20. Kim
  21. Mike
  22. Shaun
  23. Mallory
I'm sure there's even a few that I'm forgetting in there somewhere.... but I think that'll do for now.
Now it's real people! It's in print! ONLINE!!! Start saving those pennies and get out here to the east coast!!


  1. Don't worry...i'll be there...when my next 10 checks come in!!! PROMISE

    1. Kate, whatever happened to this promise!!!?
      It's time to cash in woman!! ;)
