Sunday, November 14, 2010


What a whirlwind the last 2 months have been!
I can’t believe that that’s all it’s been since I’ve moved here! There is always so much to see and do, I feel like it’s already been 6 months!
One of the greatest things I’ve been lucky enough to experience is my fabulous internship! As you may remember, before I even got here, I had high hopes of finding a female photographer to intern/assist with. Mostly because this industry is mainly powered by men, I really wanted to work with another female to see how SHE does it, and to help keep me motivated if ever a man tries to take me down! I definitely set out to  find an internship with a fashion photographer since that is the area I’d like to specialize in, but I also know that I have SO  much to learn, and that working with a pro photographer in any area would really help me. Back at the end of August, I spent hours and hours on Craigslist looking for job and internship opportunities. When I interviewed with Jill Lotenberg of Jill Photography, she explained to me that the majority of her business nowadays is commercial, and head shots. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I knew I needed to start somewhere! This was only the second interview I had been on since having moved to the city, and she pretty much hired me on the spot!

The first shoot I went with her on was to photograph the founder and CEO of Jump Apparel Group, Glenn Schlossberg. Jump is celebrating their 20th anniversary and Jill was hired to photograph him as well as some behind the scenes shots for the front cover of Fashion Manuscript Nove/Dec 2010 issue. It was really exciting for me because the moment we stepped off the elevator and I saw logo on the wall, I knew I’d heard of Jump before! It took me a second, but I definitely wore a Jump dress to a winter formal, or some sort of formal dance when I was in Jr. high or high school. 
Here's the cover!:
Look! That's the inside of the magazine with MY name in print!!!:

A few weeks after I assisted on that shoot, Jill asked me to assist her while she shot THIS!!:

Now, I’m no Top Chef fanatic, but I knew this was pretty cool. I was also really excited because she told me I could invite anyone I wanted. That same week, a friend of mine from high school, Shaun, was in town visiting so I invited him as well as all of my roommates. It was just one of those lucky nights when a bunch of them were all off and three of them were able to come along! It was such a lovely evening, and I must admit, that I think we all had a moment or two that night when we thought to ourselves, “I can’t believe this is my life, I’m so lucky”.

(left to right: Marcus, Lois, Shaun, Alaina, Emily, me)
Shortly after that event, Jill asked me if I would be available to go with her on an overnight trip to Boston for a shoot. When I got her text message, I stopped dead in my tracks and could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. Not to toot my own horn, but I am well aware that this was not something that she was offering to her other interns- it really hit me then, that I might actually be doing a really good job. I had never been to Boston and of course wanted to jump at this opportunity! Not only that, but she also informed me that this would be a paid trip! As if I really needed to be convinced even more!?
I really feel so lucky to have this opportunity and still sometimes can’t believe how this sort of just fell into my lap. As far as how long I’ll be working for Jill, I’m really not sure. I believe I’ll be done in or around January sometime. But I am fairly confident that this internship is only going to lead to bigger and better things. I hope to do a recap in a couple of months when all is said and done.
Below, enjoy some photos of the different locations we’ve been so lucky to shoot in!

Chef Marcus during the cooking demonstration at 5th on the Park:

On location in Queens: 

Last week we went back to 5th on the Park to get some shots of the building. This is the view around 6PM from the 25th floor overlooking Manhattan. Off in the distance, you can see the Empire State building: 

Atop a Brooklyn condo, shot by Jill:

Workin' hard for the boss lady: 

Downtown Brooklyn in the background, me, Allie, Clair (other interns) and Jill, far right: 

Update: My computer is (obviously) back up and running. It was extremely frustrating however to not have my computer for almost 2 weeks. Though I have to give my roommate Alaina a HUG thank you for letting me borrow her computer almost every day while she was at work!! If this has taught me anything it’s, BACK UP!! Sometimes computers just crash, and there are no warning signs. It’s a good thing I love what I do, other wise I don’t know if I’d be able to put up with the amount of money it costs to keep this going. 
I hope you are having a lovely day!
Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Abbey! Keep up the good work and keep us all posted. Sending you lots of love and support!
