Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Death Wish

So my computer has decided it's had about enough of me.
I don't blame it. Sometimes I make it work really hard for me.
Unfortunately, what this has meant for me is that my logic board is a goner.
Thankfully, there is a great certified Apple repair store really close to me! (The Mac Support Store)
I took it in last Friday because Thursday evening, it just stopped turning on. I was really baffled because I had been using it throughout the day with no problems whatsoever.
Well turns out apparently your logic board CAN go out without any warning of any kind :(
I had decided before I even took it in, that if it was going to cost too much, I would just get a new computer. Fortunately, they were able to figure out what was wrong with it and told me it would be ready and good as new in about a week (for the bargain price of more than a month's rent, but still cheaper than a brand new one!)
So here I wait... for my computer to come back to life.
I'm really glad I didn't have to get a new computer for a few reasons (even though a new one would have been fun): #1- and most importantly, I can't afford it. While I'm working on trying to find a paying job, I'm still without one. #2 I don't know what I would have done if I had to buy all new music to replace my lost iTunes library, not to mention I'm sure there are a number of photos I haven't backed up yet; and mostly that I know there is no way in hell that I could afford to repurchase all of my photo software: Photoshop, Lightroom, Bridge, etc.

I am extremely thankful (for this, and many other reasons) for having five roommates right now. They are being quite gracious letting me use their computers while they are at work, or not using them.
It's sad really, how attached I am to my computer. I wish I didn't depend so much on it, but I really do.
So please to not fret everyone, I'm not purposefully leaving you high and dry on the blogging front. As a matter of fact, Thursday morning, I had sat down and started drafting a new blog when I was distracted by more important things, like getting my website (better) up and running!!!
I am extremely proud to announce, that www.abbeycorbett.com is now officially a website!!!
This is also really exciting news, because I also ordered business cards with that web address AND a new New York phone number! - Don't worry, my cell number has not changed, I just got a google number for business purposes.

On that note, please do check back in a week or two- I promise to update, and with photos very shortly after getting my computer back at the end of the week!!
Much love,


  1. Glad everything is working out Abbey. Oh, and you're welcome for building up your website... ;-). I've got a couple cool things we can do to it that you might want to consider, maybe. I dunno, they are cool.

    Anyways, that is all. :-D

  2. Bryce, I owe you more than I can tell you.
    You don't know just how thankful I am for all of the help you've given me with my website, and everything else photo related!
    You are the best! I hope your business is picking up as well!
