Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Up and down. And down again!

As I recently told you in my last BLOG, I’ve been working for a private training gym, Brownings Fitness since mid April. Just a couple of weeks before I started working there, I began to get back into running. Boy was it rough at first. I would usually run about 3 miles at a time, but it was taking me close to an hour to complete that, and I would be extremely sore the following day (if not by that night). I knew getting a gym job was exactly the extra boost I needed to get myself in gear. I didn’t waste a whole lot of time getting to know the trainers and getting a feel for who was more open to training front desk staff than others. I started training only about once every two weeks, and quickly bumped it up to once a week, if not twice or three times. 
It wasn’t long before I was already noticing a difference in my body, my energy, and my overall mentality. Before it got way too hot, I was still running at least 2-3 days a week outside. As it started to warm up, I was hitting the treadmill 2-3 times a week and doing my best to get in at least 1 outdoor run per week. I began to notice that my outdoor runs were getting easier and easier. I was running at faster minutes per mile, and even when I tried, I couldn’t get myself to slow down. This also became a really fun way to get to know my new neighborhood. 
I’m so glad (as I’ve already mentioned) I started working for Brownings. It honestly was exactly what I needed in life: a better paycheck; something that I’m actually passionate about; and more than anything, a constant reminder of how I should be living my life. Healthfully
I’m sure that some people still (and always will) look at me and think I’m over weight, or that I could loose a little here, or a little there. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t have those same thoughts from time-to-time. But what I do know, is that I feel like this is the first time in my life when I actually like my body. This is definitely not the thinest I’ve ever been- but I like what’s going on. I love watching the changes in my body. I am actually enjoying learning more and more about the training and nutritional side of everything. 
I feel fairly confident that this is probably where my body will be for the foreseeable future. I do not plan on having kids anytime soon (or ever at the rate I’m going), and feel pretty good that I can keep up with the workouts and “diet” I’m on right now. 
**To be clear, I’m not on any specific diet. I’m just trying a lot harder to be conscience about what I eat, how much I eat, and when I eat. I still eat pizza regularly and don’t plan on giving that up anytime soon.  
So take a look, and see for yourself. 
The photo on the left was taken of me just one day before I moved to NYC almost a year ago in August 2010. The photo on the right was just a couple of weeks ago in Southampton.

Looking back at pictures from a year ago, and even from 2 and 3 years ago; I realize now that I was hands down the heaviest I've ever been in Aug. 2010. It's shameful that I ever let it get that out of hand and have made a promise to myself to never let that happen again.
To be honest, even if you don’t see the difference, or think I could still stand to loose a bit more- I don’t really care. I’m happy, and that’s all that matters :) I know that I’m being healthy and doing something really great for myself. 
I hope that you can find inspiration somewhere, wherever it may be- to commit yourself to a healthier future! And even if you fall off the wagon, don’t let it knock you down! Pick yourself back up and get back on that healthy train! You owe it to yourself :)

SIDE NOTE: Tomorrow marks my 1 year anniversary in NYC! Time has absolutely flown by since I've moved here. The first few months sure did drag on, and were a bit rough at times, but the last 5 months have more than picked up and sometimes I want to barf I'm so happy. 
I want to thank each and everyone of you that have supported me and believed in me. 
An even bigger thank you to those of you who ever doubted me too- you have no idea how much pride it gives me that 365 days later, I'm proving you wrong. 
I can't wait to share my next post with you! I have the most fun news to share with you!!! 
To be continued.... 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

NEW, New York City

I know it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything. To those of you who actually read this, I’m sorry. However I haven’t heard any requests to post anything new, so I don’t think anyone is too devastated that I haven’t posted in four months. 

I started this blog because I was about to embark on this brand new, big huge, journey. I thought, maybe someone out there will be interested enough to follow me? Well now that I’ve “arrived” at my “destination”, and have been living here for close to a year, it’s all starting to seem less and less exciting. I mean no insult to NYC. This place is still packed full of excitement, surprise, and new things daily. But everything is becoming so routine now. Anything that was new and shocking 9 months ago is just life now. 

I will do my best to recap what has happened the last four months, and try keep it somewhat interesting for you-
Two major things have happened since I’ve posted last. 
First, I have moved out of my apartment in Brooklyn and am now living in Queens. Living with 5 people who all had very different personalities and living styles was just not working out for me. Many times, I considered sticking it out to the end of the lease. But after too many sleepless nights due to completely different sleep schedules; and picking up after others one too many times, I realized it was time for me to make a move. I found my new roommates on Craigslist and loved them right away. The only thing that I didn’t love right off the bat (and still don’t love, though am starting to get used to) is that I now live close to a mile away from the subway. I was spoiled my first 9 months in Brooklyn living only 1/2 block away from the subway. I try to remind myself every time I make the “trek” that it’s good exercise. But somedays, I really miss the ease of being closer. I’m not looking forward to the winter- but I’m sure I’ll get used to that as well. 
I am in love with my neighborhood, my apartment, and my roommates. I live with two guys in their late 20s, early 30s, both optometrists. One has lived in the apartment for 8 years, the other for 5 years.

*To answer the most common questions: No they are not a couple, and are both straight. 

I have a good sized room, a CLOSET! (this is very exciting) and my own bathroom!!! <- I don’t think a girl could ask for anything better!

The other “big news” I should share is that I have a new job! For a girl who could absolutely care less about comic books, it was only a matter of time before I gave up on that place. It was hard for me to get out of bed everyday and drag myself there. I was really unhappy, and was barely scrapping by with the pay check. I knew I wanted to work in the health & fitness industry because on the tiny paycheck I was getting, and the high price of gym memberships in this city- I knew it would be the only way I could get into a gym (most gyms offer free memberships to their employees). I now work front desk for a private training gym, Brownings Fitness. The job is 100 times better than anything I could have asked for. Not only do I get to use the gym for free whenever I want, but I am also able to make use of the trainers as often as I would like, I get a discounted subway card, and health insurance. On top of all of that, we have a location in Southampton and I am asked to go out there for about two weeks at a time to "work". I use that word loosely because while I do work every single day I am out there, the shifts are short and the days either start or end with me on a beach. 
I am extremely grateful for the changes in my life the last 3+ months. I don't feel like I have been this happy in a really long time. I feel very fortunate to be living the life that I do. I also can't thank Brownings enough for introducing me to so many amazing people...

These new coworkers, and now friends are what get me though each day. I honestly don't think I could do it without them.

So I do believe a big thank you is in order for Craigslist for helping me find not only perfect roommates, but a wonderful job, that has led me to friends that I'm sure will be around for a long time...
I can't wait to see what the next four months have in store for me...
And I promise, I'll try not to leave you all hanging quite so long!