Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Goals

April 2013

Well, March wasn't quite as successful as I had hoped it would be. I'd like to think the 10 things I've set out for myself this month are realistically obtainable. I'd like to be able to cross off at least 8 of these things by the end of April.
  • Get NY state I.D./drivers license (this might be a challenge considering I work M-F)
  • Run 30-35 miles (at least 2 times/week)
  • Try 1 brand new dinner recipe
  • Try 1 Harlem restaurant
  • Eat peanut butter no more than 3 times/week (my PB intake has gotten a little out of control!)
  • See how long I can go without eating bread
  • Spin at Revolve at least twice/week
  • Put together family/friend photo wall in bedroom
  • Track daily food intake on MyFitnessPal (at least M-F)
  • Finish Gabriel's senior pictures (sorry buddy!!)

It's going to be a busy month, so wish me luck!

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