Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 in Review

I wanted to do something a little different than last year. I feel like the majority of you are all friends with me on facebook, so I didn't want to bore you with loads of pictures you've already seen (though, please forgive if there is a repeat or two). Instead, I want to give out one last thank you from 2011 for all the great things I've been blessed to have added to my life this past year....

New Roommates

The most amazing cheerleading team, ever.

1 year anniversary of living in NYC

Fabulous new friends for life

Even more fabulous new life long friends.

The strength and will power to maintain a healthier body

A new found love for running

I'm not sure I'm all that fond of the term "resolutions"; because I feel like, if you don't accomplish them, it sounds like a much bigger disappointment or let down.
So instead Im going to share my goals with you for the future that I will start in 2012:

- eat pasta once a week
- eat fish once a week
- exercise (weights) at least 3 times/week and no more than 5 times/week 
- run at least 3 times/week
- stretch 4 times/week 
- eat 3 banana's/week
- write 1 hand written letter/week

I realize that they are all health/food related, but I'm at a point in my life right now where that is my main focus. I have even decided to put my photography on the back burner a little bit. I'm feeling very burnt out with it, and just don't have the same passion I had for it at one time. I'm hoping a break, and some time to gather some funds to buy updated equipment will help give me back that fire I once had for it.

I hope your 2012 is off to a great start so far! Have you made any goals or resolutions?


  1. Love your goals! So does this mean that I will be getting a letter from you soon! love you! Happy new year! miss you!

  2. Ahhh... who is this? lol
    You've got to tell me so I can send you a letter!

  3. I hope I get a letter too :) Love your goals! Is eating pasta hard for you? I'd be able to do that one 7 times a week!!

  4. hahahaha no, definitely not hard. But I rarely eat it, and in moderation, it can be really good for you. So I need to remind myself to eat it.
    Plus I'm broooooke, so it will be a good way for me to eat on a budget! I always forget about it!
